Mission of the School Improvement Office:
The GMMSC Office of School Improvement works to provide all GMMSC students with the resources, supports, and opportunities necessary to help them reach their full educational capacity.
Important Dates:
We will be looking for ways to partner with parents, local organizations, and other community agencies to build partnerships that support student achievement. Important dates will be posted as we go.
1. TALK with your child about school
2. SHOW ENTHUSIASM about school and homework
3. SET REALISTIC GOALS for your child, and then focus on one at a time - Set up conference with your child's teacher(s) if you need help in figuring out what kind of school goals to set
4. PROVIDE A QUIET PLACE where homework or school projects can be completed
5. HELP your child complete homework if you can.
6. COMMUNICATE regularly with your child's teacher - E-mail, text messages, phone calls, face to face meetings all help your child's teacher get to know you, and helps them get to know you.
7. EXPECT and PRAISE genuine progress and effort - let your child know when he/she is doing well
8. FOCUS on your child's strengths in school
9. BUILD CONNECTIONS between what is taught in school and your child's experiences
10. LIMIT your child's television, phone, and video game time
11. ENCOURAGE reading and involvement in sports, theater, choir, community service etc.
12. HELP YOUR CHILD GET ORGANIZED; use agenda books or other planners to break big projects and papers into smaller assignments. Use folders or other binders to organize papers into subject areas. Try to get homework ready to hand in the evening before the date the assignment is due.
Use this survey to help us understand your perspective on the climate as MSC